Marketing · Press
Global marketing. Speaking with one voice.
Your marketing, press and public relations programs present your company to the outside world and establish your corporate image, which defines your company across the globe. Your global company communications play a central and complex role in this, communicating your corporate identity in various languages and cultural areas and establishing uniformity throughout the world.
We convey your message, formulated in your own unique language without compromising on international advertising effectiveness.
Our marketing and press communications translators
- have backgrounds in media, marketing and public relations
- are qualified (specialized) journalists, copy writers and editors with many years of industry experience
- are also certified translators (sworn on request) and linguists
- formulate your press articles, brochures or campaigns to have the most effective advertising impact and to reach your target audience
- translate exclusively into their native language and in their field of expertise
Industry experience
We work for well-known companies in the marketing, advertising and media sectors.
Our clients include:
- GfK Gruppe
- IWD market research
- Hubert Burda Media Holding
- Procter & Gamble
- Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft
- ABI Europe marketing public relations
- HFF Filmhochschule München
- EM.TV & Merchandising
- ndF Entertainment
General fields
- journalism and media (AV/print/online)
- capital goods marketing/B2B
- consumer goods marketing/B2C
- market and opinion research
- brand management
- retail marketing
- technology marketing
- channel marketing
- services marketing
- geographic marketing
- ethnic marketing
- gender marketing
- press releases
- image brochures
- trade journals
- presentations
- magazines
- catalogs
- brochures
- flyers/signs
- Web sites
- presentations
- interviews
- campaigns
- reports/portraits/features
- commentaries and glosses
- editorials
- columns
- essays